General Rules of the Imperial Realm
Welcome to the Imperial Realm! We are excited to have you visit us both at our home on the internet and in virtual-world locations.
To ensure that all members of our groups, Inworld, can utilize their right to get the best quality experiences with our groups and the various programs and services we have to offer you Inworld, we have established rules to guide all members on what is expected of you at all times on our lands and in our group chats.
To ensure no misunderstandings, each set of rules applies to the specific group of users as indicated at the top of each rules section.
Legal Disclaimer: The Imperial Realm and Imperial Estates are groups in the virtual worlds listed on this site. The Imperial Realm does not provide advice or sales of real world land or other property. If you are seeking to buy property in the real world, we strongly encourage you to seek advice from licensed and qualified professionals in your jurisdiction. All users of this website including the account portal, must be over 18 years of age or the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction. By viewing or otherwise using the services on this website, you are affirming or agreeing that you are 18 years or above or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction to view adult oriented content. If you are under the age of 18 years old or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, you should not be viewing this website.
Domina Imperium Roleplay Lifestyle Rules of the Imperial Realm
The following rules apply to all members of our groups and visitors participating in the Domina Imperium Roleplay Lifestyle. All members and visitors are responsible for their actions. You are responsible for adhering to our rules and guidelines on our lands and groups. Violating our rules and guidelines will result in the appropriate punishment for your infractions.
Welcome to Domina Imperium, the roleplay world of Rome!
In the year 260 AD the provinces of Syria Palaestina, Asia Minor and Egypt separated from the rest of the Roman state to form the Palmyrene Empire as did many other provinces and formed their own empires. The Palmyrene Empire was ruled by Queen Zenobia and centered on Palmyra. After Queen Zenobia died her daughter came to power and reconquered the provinces that once formed the Roman Empire and restored roman values. The new queen also changed the laws so the empire would be ruled by women as part of the punishment for the shameful doings of the previous emperors before her mother.
All are welcome to participate in roleplay but must remain respectful towards the people in the sim and the sim rules at all times.
1. Theme - The theme of the lifestyle is set back in the ancient time of Rome on an alternate earth in an alternate dimension. All role players in the lifestyle must wear clothes that resemble the time period. For more information about what was worn in ancient Rome please see: A full storyline for the lifestyle is being written out and will be available soon. The colors of each caste of the roleplay lifestyle can be found in the Ranks Card.
All weapons used in the roleplay lifestyle must be weapons used in the time of ancient Rome. For example swords and bows are permitted. Guns are not. Please try to keep your weapons close to the time period.
As with all ancient cultures an empire could not survive with out a thriving economy. Our list of castes governs the classes of society in the lifestyle. Tools of the trade must be from the time period of ancient Rome beginning around the time of Julius Ceasar.
In the event a city, village, or amazonian camp is raided and prisoners are captured and taken by the raiding party, those captured must commit to a minimum roleplay period of at least 1 hour. Each individual sim may set an additional minimum amount of time as determined appropriate by the sim leadership. In the event a captive has received no roleplay in the time frame they have defined in their profile picks relating to RP limits, the captive may teleport back to their city, village, or camp without being in violation of the roleplay rules. Limits of captives must be respected at all times.
The exchange of slaves from one owner to another is handled much like a business transaction, or the owner may choose to put their slave up for auction if an exchange is not a viable option. The newly purchased slave will be branded by their new owner and given their collars and cuffs of their owner's choosing.
Will be conducted by a sim moderator or in the absence of a moderator the auction will be conducted by the Imperial Queen or Imperial Madame.
- God Moderating - God moderating is not allowed in the lifestyle. The reason is this causes unnecessary problems and can harm good quality roleplay. An example of god moderating is overruling a decision made by the leaders of a group over group affairs to gain benefit for yourself or your group. Anyone found to be god moderating will be asked to step down as a moderator or removed by the region manager and or the Imperial Moderators responsible for quality control.
- Right to appeal - In the event a party disagrees with a decision of a moderator in a region they may ask for a hearing by the Imperial Queen and or Imperial Madame. Upon receipt of the request and determination that the rules were followed to the best of their ability the Imperial Queen and or Imperial Madame may agree to hear the appeal and rule on the merits of the appeal. The decision of the Imperial Queen and the Imperial Madame is final subject to appeal and review of the Imperial Senate and Imperial Council. The Imperial Council is the final arbitrator of all appeals.
Each group will nominate one group elder as a moderator and submit that person's name to the Imperial Queen. The Imperial Queen after having reviewed the nomination submitted by the group leader and having found no incidents that would create reasonable doubt in the ability of the individual to be a far and impartial moderator the Imperial Queen shall grant them an appointment as a moderator. No moderator may moderate any dispute which the group they represent is from.
The Imperial Senate is the sounding board for ideas to help improve the roleplay lifestyle. Each group is represented by at least one member of any high caste. Each member of the Imperial Senate will have one vote on each matter before the senate. The senate may recommend adoption of rules, amendments to rules, and repeal of rules for the lifestyle. The purpose of the senate is to ensure that each group is equally represented and has an equal voice when it comes to the rules of the roleplay lifestyle. The Imperial Queen will make the final decision on overall lifestyle rules. For information about castes please see the ranks and castes card.
The imperial realm is currently working on a custom combat meter system for use with the roleplay lifestyle however, it is still in development. Upon its release we will ask everyone to switch to it. In the meantime the gorean meter or zCS meter will be used inworld in Second Life. A Recognized combat meter will be used in each additional virtual world that has been approved by the imperial realm.
During the course of roleplay there is always the possibility that those involved in a particular roleplay scenario or scene will not agree on the outcome or may have disagreement about a rule. To help facilitate a fair outcome that all can agree to we have moderators who are impartial to help resolve disagreements. Upon request of a moderator by any party the RP shall be considered suspended until a moderator can make a decision on the question in accordance with #6