Rules and Policies of the Imperial Realm

Imperial Estate's A Galaxy Beyond Residential Sim covenant

Please read CAREFULLY, violations of this covenant may result in actions being taken to enforce compliance.

Region Type: Residential Only
Commercial Use: Prohibited

By purchasing land and paying the associated tier makes you the owner of the plot. Owners may resell and sub-rent land.

Building Code

The following rules apply to all buildings on our residential regions:

  1. No flying structures below 300 meters above the land.
  2. Do not build on the parcel border. You must leave some space around your buildings.
  3. Fences and small walls on the parcel border are allowed as long as they are not disruptive of the region appearance and theme.
  4. Light terraforming is allowed when the appearance of the region remains.
We reserve the right to approve any structure deemed unacceptable to our region standards. We are easy going and want your stay here to be enjoyable, therefore, we ask that you use common sense and it should not be an issue. When you have doubt or a question as to whether something is allowed, please contact a member of the Imperial Estates staff for assistance.

Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct applies to our residential regions:

  1. Be respectful to your neighbors and Imperial Estates Staff.
  2. No littering of objects on land of other residents.
  3. No harassment or stalking of any kind.
  4. The use of objects, HUDs, or scripts that shout messages over the region is forbidden.
  5. Landowners need to report incidents of griefing or other region-related problems to our staff.
  6. No high lag script usage is allowed.
  7. Structures with rezzing boxes must be stored or frozen as indicated by the structure creator in order to delete the rez scripts in them. Structures found with such scripts may be returned immediately when the performance of the region needs to be restored.
    1. Imperial Estates will not be held responsible for any loss of objects due to violating these rules.
    2. You may contact a member of the Imperial Estates staff if you need further assistance with these scripts.
  8. Breeding animals are allowed if movements and sounds are turned off and lag stays under control.
  9. Pets (Non-Breeding) are allowed if they do not collide with objects and movement is turned off when no one is on the parcel.
  10. Because security orbs are able to limit the access of others to your land more effectively than ban lines and do not have a height cap, we strongly recommend the use of a security orb. All security orbs must be set with a minimum warning time of 10 seconds. Be sure to set the scan range to only scan within your parcel and do not invade a neighbor’s lands.
  11. No region wide scanners for group invites, greeters, etc are allowed. All group invite or greeter scripts must be limited to a maximum scan range of 20 meters.
  12. Imperial Estates has the right to terminate your rental agreement at any time if you are using more resources than the size of your land allows.

Reselling Rules

The following rules regarding reselling of land apply on our residential regions:

  1. On putting a plot up for sale, the weekly or monthly tier associated with ownership of the plot must be explicitly mentioned in the description field under “About Land”.
  2. Any ‘Land For Sale’ signs must be of reasonable size so as not to harm the appearance of the region.
  3. In case tier payment is overdue on a plot, that plot cannot be put up for sale under any circumstances.
  4. Within 24 hours after the sale of your plot, you are required to contact Imperial Estates staff to let us know the buyer’s name so that we can proceed with tier collection from the buyer.
WARNING: Any plot found to be up for sale, while violating rule 3, will be reclaimed immediately without any prior notice or compensation whatsoever.

Grid Outages and Bugs

We have no control over system updates, down times, bugs or grid outages. As a result, you may or may not be compensated to make up for such inconveniences.

Tier Payments

Payment of your tier fees may only be made with the central tier terminals at our office in your respective virtual world. The location for your virtual world is as follows:

  • Imperial Estates Office Location:

With our central tier terminals, you may make payments in your virtual world’s inworld currency, PayPal, or a debit or credit card.

We can provide access to the central tier terminal to more then one person for your land when needed. Please contact Imperial Estates staff to request access be given to another individual.

No individual should ever ask you to pay the tier on his or her behalf. It may be possible that a member of the Imperial Estates staff requests you to pay any past due amounts, but those payments will always be made to our central tier terminal at our office location inworld.

It is the responsibility of property owners to know his or her due date and pay on time without reminders. A tier meter is provided to monitor the tier time left. If you need a tier meter, please contact Imperial Estates staff to request one.

In the event you have a problem with paying your tier fees on time, please contact Imperial Estates staff to work on a solution. Our staff will be more then happy to work with you on finding the right solution to resolve your problem while allowing you to maintain your land in good standings with Imperial Estates.

Imperial Estates Support

Estate Managers of Imperial Estates have the right to visit any parcel on our regions to check for violations of our covenants or to protect region performance.

If you need support, please file a support ticket through our support system which can be accessed through your Imperial Realm account via our website at

You may also request an invitation to the ‘Imperial Estates’ group inworld if you need live chat support with Imperial Estates staff.

Estate managers of Imperial Estates have the right to visit any parcel to check covenant violations or the region performance.

All sales are final. The tenant may terminate the agreement at any time. A refund will not be given for any time remaining on the tenancy.

Imperial Estates reserves the right to consider an empty or near empty parcel to be abandoned if it has less than 3 days of tier left and there is no response from the land owner or otherwise stated to be used for prim usage or building purposes.

Imperial Estates has the right to reclaim land for non-payment or non-compliance of any of the terms of the covenant.

Imperial Estates provides land as is to residents. Imperial Estates will always attempt to provide a pleasant experience that is in line with the expectations of our customers to the best of our ability. However we cannot guarantee a certain look, theme, frame rate, location of the region on the map, or any other specific region settings.

Above all Imperial Estates wants you to have a pleasurable experience on our regions and we will work hard to ensure this occurs every day.

Imperial Estates hopes you enjoy your stay!

~Imperial Estates Staff, Management, and Owners